All posts by Gerri Lutaaya
The Sector’s Much Needed New Year’s Resolution: Redefine Our Culture of Philanthropy
January 13, 2017
Amongst the two cohorts of AFP Inclusive Giving Fellows, there is a combination of new graduates, volunteers, founders of social profits, community organizers, consultants and more working in the fields of education, public policy, youth engagement and beyond; all of us joined by the common interest of leading the fundraising profession to “…better reflect and … Continue reading
Thanksgiving of your donors: today, tomorrow, always
October 7, 2016
In this fast-paced society, it is easy for nonprofit organizations to neglect and even overlook the importance of donor recognition and its ability to sustain long-term relationships between donors and the organization. Nevertheless, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, organizations should take advantage of the opportunity to show gratitude and say thank you to their … Continue reading