Gerri Nakirigya Lutaaya belongs to the Ngonge clan within the Buganda kingdom and is a 2016 graduate of the AFP Inclusion and Philanthropy Fellowship. Gerri maintains a spirited zest and commitment to the importance – and power – of education for young people because of its potential to spark action, impact and change on society’s most pressing issues. With a Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership degree from Carleton University and a Certificate in Fundraising Management from Algonquin College, Gerri is committed to Nelson Mandela’s challenge that “a degree means nothing unless you go out into the community to prove yourself.” Through her involvement in various volunteer roles, Gerri is persistent in building awareness and strengthening relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. She also works closely with CivicAction’s Emerging Leaders Network, People for Education and is a Board Member with the Young Women’s Leadership Network.