All posts by Betty Xie
Pace and Breathe: Running the Marathon of an Individual Giving Program
January 13, 2017
For every fundraiser out there whose primary focus is individual giving, you have experienced a week similar to this. On Monday morning, you review your annual individual donation revenue goal and make a promise to yourself: I must close at least five donations by the end of this week. By the afternoon, you send out … Continue reading
When Arts and Money Mingle: The Three Challenges that Fundraisers in Arts Nonprofits Face
August 23, 2016
Byline: Betty is a filmmaker and fundraiser. Currently, she works at the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival as its Development and Programming Associate. I have always characterized myself as a somewhat accidental fundraiser. With an academic background in Cinema Studies, I started working for film festivals ever since my university years. When I joined … Continue reading