
Eugenia Duodu

Eugenia Duodu holds PhD in chemistry from U of T and as an advocate for community development and engagement brings an invaluable passion for diversity and collaboration within communities. Eugenia is also the CEO of a community-focused science organization, Visions of Science Network for Learning that promotes STEM engagement to marginalized, low-income youth. At a global level she has participated several in global community initiatives in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, Jamaica and Trinidad. Her aim is to be one that leaves a legacy, not only for what she has achieved but also for what she has done for her community and the global community at large.

Dulaa Osman

Dulaa Osman is in his final year at the University of Toronto Scarborough majoring in City Studies and Minoring in Human Geography and African Studies. Dulaa Graduated from the United Way’s Creative Institute for Toronto’s Young Leaders where he received a co-certificate in leadership from United Way Toronto and University of Toronto’s Faculty of Social Work. He is a voting member at the United Way Toronto and apart of the United Way Young Leaders Speakers Bureau. Dulaa is current member of ArtReach Toronto Youth Grant Committee. He has been a panelist at Let’s Talk Toronto, Good Green Jobs for All and Toronto Community Environmental Forum.

Dolly Singh

Dolly Singh is the Senior Development Manager at William Osler Health System Foundation. She has been a dedicated fundraiser for 8 years supporting the redevelopment of Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness, Etobicoke General and the ongoing equipment needs at Brampton Civic Hospital. 

She is committed and determined to make a difference in her community through philanthropy. Along with being a fellow with the Inclusion and Philanthropy Program with AFP and has also recently joined the AFP Peel Region Education Committee.

Angela Severight

Angela is from Cote First Nation, SK. she graduated from University of Regina with a bachelor of administration and has been working with non-profit, fund raising for the past 6 years and has 15 years’ experience in administration. Angela has worked for a non – profit in Winnipeg for 3.5 years before she started working with Indspire as development assistant. In her current role she assists with the individual giving campaign/Government matching campaign and assistant to vice – President, Development. Angela enjoys working with fundraising and has enjoyed learning all about individual and corporate giving.

Alisha Pawa

I work for Trillium Health Partners Foundation as a Development Coordinator as part of the Community Initiatives team. I have been in fundraising for over 5 years and have been involved with AFP for over 2 years now. I am apart of the Young Leaders Council Events Committee with United Way of Peel where we engage the community by executing events to gain a better understanding of issues concerning youths, along with how to improve youth leadership. Also, I am on the AFP Peel Region Education Committee, where we put together professional development workshops, webinars and networking events. In my spare time, I like to go for walks in areas I have not been to yet.

Alana Liberman

As a postgraduate of Humber College’s Fundraising and Volunteer Management program, Alana is currently the Coordinator of Donor Stewardship at The Living City Foundation. She has over 5 years of fundraising experience including performing a similar role for a large charity in Australia before returning to Canada in 2013. Alana developed a strong passion for the non-profit sector
during her employment with the Reena Foundation – a non-profit social service agency which supports children, adults and seniors with developmental disabilities.

Sarah Midanik

Sarah Midanik is a Métis professional who is passionate about building capacity within community. Sarah works at Indspire, a national charity working to advance education outcomes for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students. As a communications and development professional, Sarahis responsible for the management of all national events and stakeholder engagement initiatives at Indspire. She was also responsible for managing a national mentorship program for Indigenous post-secondary students.

Sarah is also an active volunteer within the Indigenous community, serving on the Founding Council of Young Indigenous Professionals, and as a mentor for the Inclusion Works program with the Aboriginal Human Resource Council.

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Tania Cheng

Tania Cheng is the Development and Operations Manager at Ontario EcoSchools, an organization that delivers environmental education and certification to a network of over 1,750 schools across the province. In her role, Tania is responsible for fundraising, strategic planning, organizational development, and program evaluation. She received her Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours) from the University of Waterloo and is currently completing her Master in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership through Carleton University. Since 2011, she has served on the the Board of Directors for The Otesha Project, a charity that combines bicycle tours and theatre to promote environmental sustainability across Canada. Tania is passionate about social innovation, youth engagement, sustainability, social justice, diversity and inclusion, and design. She aspires to revolutionize the nonprofit sector and build capacity in social impact organizations that make the world a better place.

Lorena Muñoz

Lorena Muñoz is the Development & Donor Relations Manager at Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation, where she’s putting to use a versatile fundraising skill-set. She’s a graduate of the Fundraising Management Program at the Humber Institute of Technology, and completed her internship with the Corporate Partnerships team at Habitat for Humanity Canada. Lorena’s special interest is implementing strategic development initiatives and believes the road to success is trying. Based in Toronto, she’s determined to uncover the secrets of how to be a great storyteller. She holds a master’s degree in International Development & NGO Management. You can find her at:

Hope Lovell

Hope Lovell is the Volunteer Coordinator and development assistant at the Downtown Mission of Windsor. Joining the Mission two years ago Hope was quickly enamored with its ability to affect a difference in providing basic needs, as well as a sense of community and purpose, to the impoverished in her community. The past two years have been a whirl-wind of fundraising activities and volunteer development. Through the opportunity provided by this fellowship Hope is excited to expand her knowledge of the fundraising profession and apply those skills to help the Mission maintain and grow their programs and services.